Qrayeh Sidon – The church of St George

St Georges Maronite Church, Qraiyeh, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار جرجس

Qraiyet Saida



كنيسة مار جرجس - القريّة صيدابُنيت الكنيسة الأولى مع قدوم المسيحيّين إلى البلدة في القرن الثامن عشر، وكانت كنيسة صغيرة قليلة الإرتفاع تعرف بالقبو. تعرّضت هذه الكنيسة للتخريب في أحداث سنة ١٨٦٠. سنة ١٩١٤ ومع ازدياد عدد الأهالي، تقرّر بناء كنيسةٍ أكبر في الموضع عينه. فبدأ المشروع في عهد المطران بولس بصبوص والخوري بطرس كسّاب، نفّذه المعمار الياس قسطنطين من عبرا. وهي كنيسة بسوقٍ واحد ينتهي بحنية وسقف قرميد. في ستّينيات القرن العشرين أضيفت إلى قبّتها برج للجرس عند الواجهة الغربيّة. اللوحة التصويريّة من عمل راجي الحاج تعود لسنة ١٩٣٩. تعرّضت الكنيسة للعبث سنة ١٩٨٥ مع تهجير المسيحيّين من شرق صيدا، وأخذَت حلّةً جديدةً بالترميم في أواخر تسعينات القرن العشرين.The church of St George - Qrayeh SidonThe first church was built with the settlement of christians in the region in the XVIIIth century. It was known as the Qabou (the cellar) hence it was a small structure. It was sabotaged in the war of 1860. In 1914 with the growth of the congregation, the village needed a new church. The construction began during the pontificate of Bishop Boulos Basbous and Fr. Boutros Kassab, construction was executed by Elias Constantin from Abra. The church is of a single nave ending with an apse, and a brick roof. During the late sixties a bell tower was added to the original old one on the western side. The painting is the work of Raji el Hajj 1939. The church was sabotaged during the civil war in 1985, and restored in the last decade of the XXth century.

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Beit Chabab


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The church of St Anthony the Great - Beit Chabab

The first church was built by Al Ashkar family in 1848. It was destroyed after its walls were weakened by the earthquake of 1957 and the new church was built by Fr. Antonios Rashed Abi Younes according to a basilical plan with three naves separated by a row of columns. The church was decorated with frescoes by Asaad Renno in 1966.

Zouk Mosbeh – Notre Dame du Rosaire

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The Church of our Lady of the Rosary
Built in 1704 on a hill in the town of Zouk Mosbeh, over the ruins of an older church, by the notables of the Haqlany’s family.
When Abdalla Qaraaly became bishop of Beirut he made it his Cathedral, where he promulgated the rosary devotion.
The church is famous for its paintings, especially its main one: The Virgin Mary portrayed as an oriental lady with the child in her hands, handing the rosary to Sts Catherine and Dominic, with the rosary mysteries on her sides.

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Saydet El-Hakleh, Ariz, Lebanon

كنيسة سيّدة الحقلة




كنيسة سيّدة الحقلة - بان

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The church of Our Lady of the fields - Ban

The church was built in 1883 as it is shown by the epitaph. The church is a small chapel near the cemetery. It consists of one nave ending with the altar. A gateway and a tiled roof were added at the end of the XXth century. The painting is imported from Europe and dates back to 1923.